Sensitive customer data manager

Make sure that customer data is handled with GPDR compliance

Get started

Secure compliant customer support

Our service offers you compliance in minutes. So your company can be on track in minutes.


Documents and images expire with given numbers. No more emails or persistent uploads.


Integrations with your already established workflow.

Easy to use

Encryption. We don't even keep track of the passwords.

No more requesting sensitive customer data over email.

It's not worth your time and headspace.

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Make sure that customer data is handled with GPDR compliance

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Pellentesque eu quam vitae mi lacinia consequat quis in metus.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I use this service for my business?

Ekvarn can easily be integrated to your current workflow.

How does it work?

As a user, you will be able to create a container. This will be secure sites and auto-deleted or manually deleted when the case with sensitive data you handle.

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